April 4, 2006; Washington, D.C.: President George W. Bush prepares to sever economic ties with South Korea after failing to meet their commitment to delivering “two inch3s 2 yOr p3n15 in 48 howrs.”
April 6, 2006; London, England: After negotiating with U.S. Secretary of Defense Donald Rumsfeld, British Defense Secretary John Reid wipes Rumsfeld’s “negotiation” off his chin.
April 6, 2006; San Diego, CA: Intelligent Design activists dealt a severe blow following revelation of monkey evolution for ability to fling twice as much poo.
April 9, 2006; Washington, D.C.: After an unexpected setback, Democratic National Committee Chairman Howard Dean resolves to “try silver bullets next time.”
[tags]Week in Pictures, George W Bush, John Reid, Donald Rumsfeld, politcial humor, dark humor[/tags]
The caption on the last picture is perfect. Thank you for making coffee come out my nose.