Category Archives: Nerd Prom 2010

Nerd Prom 2010: We Are All Locals Now

People LINED UP for this shit. I spoke to people who were proud to get it because it was free. SO WHAT? So is herpes, and you don’t generally have to stand in line for an hour to get it… then again, if you find yourself in a situation where you do, fuck it; herpes is a small price to pay. [read more at link] Continue reading

Posted in Foul-Mouthed Demagoguery, Nerd Prom 2010, San Diego Comic Con | Tagged | 1 Comment

Nerd Prom 2010: Back In The Saddled

But first? Fresh food. I am prepared to start cracking open a few shells and forking out the sweet, sweet virgin meat. After all, it’s Comic-Con, which means that Stormtrooper cosplayers are in season. Continue reading

Posted in Foul-Mouthed Demagoguery, Nerd Prom 2010, San Diego Comic Con | 1 Comment